A Board teleconference will be held Thursday August 6, 7:00-8:00 PM EDT, to discuss the sale of the Annex and to hold elections for Board members and officers. If you are unable to attend, please read below and submit your proxy vote to TAKLehigh@gmail.com by the start of meeting. You can still volunteer your support in advance.
With changes in the Board and the housing climate at Lehigh, maintaining/renting the Annex is no longer sustainable. The top priority this year is an assessment of property sale/donation options, for the creation of an annual Association Scholarship fund. Since Notice to the Association membership was first communicated on July 15, 2020, an offer to purchase the Annex at fair market value has been received by the Board. The offer was made by Lehigh University on August 3, 2020 and will remain open for 5 days. While the Board has maintained the Annex for over 25 years since the TAK chapter closed in the hope of recolonizing in the future, the Board believes that selling the Annex at this time is in the best long-term interest of the Association. Recent years have seen a significant contraction of the Greek system at Lehigh and changes in housing preferences of on-campus students. The assets of the sale of the Annex will be used to create an Association Scholarship fund in the most tax efficient way possible, which will be further detailed at November’s Annual Meeting. If you have questions about the sale of the Annex, please make every effort to attend. If you cannot attend, please indicate your vote by typing your initials next to one of the two choices below:
{Replace with your initials here} : I vote FOR the sale of the Annex and the creation of an Association Scholarship fund
{Replace with your initials here} : I vote AGAINST the sale of the Annex and the creation of an Association Scholarship fund
For conference dial-in details (or to volunteer if you can’t join the call), send an email message to Greg Bury.
more information
Click here to contact Greg Bury, should you have any questions.